Sustainable Solutions Seal
The Sustainable Solutions Seal is awarded to companies that have sustainability in their daily practices, that understand that sustainability must be in their structure.
The 3 axes of sustainability are assessed during the diagnosis: environmental, social and governance.
In the environmental axis, aspects relating to the sustainable use of water, energy and the way in which solid waste is generated, disposed of and disposed of are assessed.
In the social axis, aspects relating to quality, well-being and opportunities in the work environment for employees and customers.
In the governance axis, aspects of the company's organizational policy are evaluated in relation to the acquisition of more sustainable materials and investments.
The seal aims to recognize the adoption of sustainable solutions, points out opportunities for improvements and profit generation for the certified establishment.
The seal score assigns 4 grades:
40 to 60 points - 1 star
61 to 80 points - 2 stars
81 to 95 points - 3 stars
> 95 points - 4 stars
With certification guiding the way, management only profits
To be continued
Ver a empresa por outra perspectiva ajuda a identificar pontos fortes e pontos a serem melhorados
Increase Credibility
Com a certificação sustentável no currículo, a credibilidade da empresa cresce mais rápido.
Greater Profit Generation
a certificação é um caminho sem volta pra você lucrar de forma sustentável
Increased Visibility
3% de aumento na atração de novos clientes é só o início.
Business sustainability reduces talent loss by up to 53% and reflects on team well-being
Establishments certified with the Sustainable Solutions seal